Jakarta, January 14th 2016, we all get shocked by the news about the bom blast at Thamrin area. The area which never sleep. Some people die, some people get injured. That was an incident which nobody want to happen and it should not happen anywhere.

The reaction was very quick. Tv stations and online medias keep updating what is happening in there so people can see clearly what is really going on. The police and army reaction was very fast, we really appreciate what they did to handle the situation, so the incident didn’t really make any panic situation to the people.
Does this terror made us down? NO!! #WEARENOTAFRAID and we should not feel down because of this. Because we are strong nation with the strong bond of the people to keep our country safe.
The people doing normal activities only few steps from the scene
We can see that Indonesian people are really care and support each other. We love our country.
The medias, the people, netizen, we walk hand in hand to inform the situation. Only few minutes after it happen, we can see on internet the hashtag #PrayforJakarta. It is not because we are in fear. It is to show our big condolence to the people who become the victim of this tragedy.
And the hashtag become more and more positive as the information keep on updated that everything is under control. The social media begun to spread the hashtag #KamiTidakTakut which mean we are not afraid.
pictures are from many sources
Yes, nothing to be afraid. Indonesia is safe. We can see only few hours after that incident the condition recover very fast. And we see, even Facebook didn’t activate the Safety Check for Indonesia. Because Indonesia is SAFE and we will keep our country SAFE!!
One day after the incident Sarinah Department Store, which is the Icon of Jakarta, the place where we can get many kind of Indonesian handy craft product are open as normal. The shops and restaurants around are having their business running as usual, the people visiting those places like nothing happen before.
The rally against terrorism was made in front of Sarinah building. People are gathering and holding the placard written #WEARENOTAFRAID on January, 15th 2016. One day after the incident. This rally was followed by students, the citizens of Jakarta and even the foreigners.
We all care, we all against terrorism and #WEARENOTAFRAID